Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sarcasm, Sunglasses, and Bananapanties

Coming back to reality after a long, crazy weekend is always a bit of an adjustment. For my roomie and I, that was an understatement. We Left Seattle at 1:30pm to meet up with our friends at the 5th round of the WORCS series, in Payette Idaho. 7 hours of coffee, car dancing and Red Bulls, we thought would take their toll. Turns out, no one could sleep! Saturday was a bit rough with our boys racing on no ZZZZ's. Suffice it to say, sarcasm and sunglasses seemed to be the theme of the day. Dallas had fun, and ended up riding 3 classes. Rookie (getting pummled by Stillwell Performance team owner in the first photo) rode pro, and got 10th. It wasn't what he wanted, but he pushed, finished and got some points.

Later that night we took over a little bar in a mexican joint. Literally. We all drank, ate chips, and teamed up for some Rookstool family Words With Friends on one end of the table. All the while, poor Kevin had to take it in with water. He went back to the room early to get some sleep for his race the next day.


We got all packed up, not sure what the day would bring us. Rookie raced at noon, and got 9th. We now know, that was his last WORCS race for a while and he will be heading East to catch the next Outdoor Nationals. Marisa and I caravanned along with the boys, to Bend, OR for another 5 hours of sleeping, car dancing, and continuing to be amazed at the random places boys find to pee. Our new friend, Jeremy, has somewhat of an MX compound that we were all welcomed too with an amazing dinner (breakfast and lunch the next day also), and beverages. Monday was spent being lazy, sitting in the back of a truck, watching boys work on and ride their dirt bikes. I love this life :) Nothing like the smell of exhaust in the morning!!

The weekend didn't officially end until yesterday. After work Marisa and I went to do a little shopping, and had dinner. Bananapanties sums up our evening, I will leave it to your imagination or a hunt around Bellevue Square to put the pices together. Stoked for next weekend, when we will be on our way down to Honey Lake for the next round of WORCS!

Rookie Killing it up the hill.

Trying to keep warm, and cheer on Rook! Keep it Classy Payette!

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